PervaSafe Computing: Pattern-Based Wearable Assistants for Safety-Critical Human-Computer Interaction in Control Rooms

Principal Investigators
Prof. Dr. Kristof Van Laerhoven, University of Siegen (Homepage)
Prof. Dr. Tilo Mentler, Hochschule Trier (Homepage)
The main objectives of this project are to derive a pattern language for scalable interaction design in control rooms and to design a wearable framework for control room operators, determining how wearable technologies can be used both to implement the aforementioned design patterns and to evaluate their usage in-situ and unsupervised. As part of these studies, control room operators’ cognitive load and affective state are modeled on a user-worn computer and used to influence information flow to the operator. This attention model is used to present alarms and other control room events appropriately. The wearable framework also assists operators in log-keeping of processes/tasks at hand, using wearable sensors that detect specific manual actions. The resulting design patterns and their realization with the aid of wearable assistants will be validated and evaluated in highly realistic but reproducible settings with actual control room operators, with respect to usability and user experience. User experience research is guided by the question: Do control room operators perceive a wearable assistant based on design patterns as patronization (with respect to autonomy or expertise) or support (with respect to safety)

A Matter of Annotation: An Empirical Study on In Situ and Self-Recall Activity Annotations from Wearable Sensors
Hoelzemann, A. and Van Laerhoven, K.
arXiv 2023
Annotation Methods for Human Activity Detection with Wearable Sensors

Scalable Human Computer Interaction in Control Rooms as Pervasive Computing Environments
Flegel, N., Van Laerhoven, K. and Mentler, T.
Enhancing Interaction Design for Safety-Critical Pervasive Computing Environments

Control Rooms in Safety Critical Contexts: Design, Engineering and Evaluation Issues
Mentler, T., Palanque, P., Boll, S., Johnson, C. and Van Laerhoven, K.
Advancing Human-Computer Interaction in Evolving Control Room Environments

Whereables? Examining Personal Technology Adoption in Contemporary Control Rooms
Flegel, N., Poehler, J., Mentler, T. and Van Laerhoven, K.
IEEE Pervasive Computing 2023
Examining Control Room Operators' Attitudes Towards Wearables Technologies in Critical Environments

Towards Control Rooms as Human-Centered Pervasive Computing Environments
Flegel, N., Poehler, J., Van Laerhoven, K. and Mentler, T.
Design Challenges and Framework for Wearable Assistants in Safety-Critical Environments

A Gaze-Supported Mouse Interaction Design Concept for State-of-the-Art Control Rooms
Flegel, N., Pick, C. and Mentler, T.
IHIET 2021
Enhancing Control Room Operator Efficiency and Usability Through Gaze-Supported Mouse Interaction

Autonomy and Safety: A Quantitative Study with Control Room Operators on Affinity for Technology Interaction and Wish for Pervasive Computing Solutions
Flegel, N., Wessel, D., Pöhler, J., Van Laerhoven, K., and Mentler, T.
ACM CHI 2023
Assessing Operator Attitudes Towards Novel Technology in Safety-Critical Control Rooms

LstSim-Extended: Towards Monitoring Interaction and Beyond in Web-Based Control Room Simulations
Poehler, J., Flegel, N., Mentler, T. and Van Laerhoven, K.
Assessing Interaction Design and Physiological Data in Emergency Dispatch Control Rooms
- Hoelzemann Alexander, and Kristof Van Laerhoven. 2023. A Matter of Annotation: An Empirical Study on In Situ and Self-Recall Activity Annotations from Wearable Sensors. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.08752 (2023).
- Nadine Flegel, Jonas Poehler, Tilo Mentler, Kristof Van Laerhoven. 2023. Whereables? Examining Personal Technology Adoption in Contemporary Control Rooms. IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 49–53, 2023.
Flegel Nadine, Wessel Daniel, Pöhler Jonas, Laerhoven Kristof Van, Mentler Tilo. 2023. In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 1-10.
- Flegel Nadine. Laerhoven Kristof Van. Mentler Tilo. 2022. Scalable Human Computer Interaction in Control Rooms as Pervasive Computing Environments. In Proceedings of the 33rd European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, 1-5.
Flegel Nadine, Poehler Jonas, Laerhoven Kristof Van, Mentler Tilo. 2021. Towards Control Rooms as Human-Centered Pervasive Computing Environments. In IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 329-344. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Poehler Jonas, Flegel Nadine, Mentler Tilo, Laerhoven, Kristof Van. LstSim-Extended: Towards Monitoring Interaction and Beyond in Web-Based Control Room Simulations. 2021. In IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 345-356. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Mentler Tilo, Palanque Philippe, Boll Susanne, Johnson Chris, Laerhoven Kristof Van. 2021. Control Rooms in Safety Critical Contexts: Design, Engineering and Evaluation Issues. In Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2021: 18th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Bari, Italy, August 30–September 3, 2021, Proceedings, Part V 18 (pp. 530-535). Springer International Publishing.
Flegel Nadine, Pick Christian, Mentler Tilo. 2021. A Gaze-Supported Mouse Interaction Design Concept for State-of-the-Art Control Rooms. In Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Applications IV: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies: Future Applications (IHIET–AI 2021), April 28-30, 2021, Strasbourg, France 4 (pp. 208-216). Springer International Publishing.